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<p align="justify"><strong>„</strong><span lang="en-US"><strong>TERMO KLIMA“</strong> LLC Laktaši deals with sales and installation of equipment for heating, air-conditioning, ventilation, water and drainage installations. Company exists for almost 30 years and offers wide range of high-quality products with acceptable prices and constant stock.</span></p> <p align="justify"><span lang="en-US">As part of <strong>„HOME ART“</strong> show-room in Laktaši, our company also offers wide range of ceramic tiles, natural stone, wooden floors (parquet), sanitary-ware, faucets, bathroom equipment (bath tubs, shower trays and shower columns), bathroom furniture, Scavolini kitchen and similar.</span></p> <p align="justify"><span lang="en-US">Together with our factory in ownership of daughter-company <strong>„PROTHERM“</strong> LLC we have production of heating equipment: boilers, stoves and fireplaces on solid fuel and pellet, as well offering wide range of metal processing services (laser cutting, bending, robot welding, painting, powder coating etc.). Production is managed by ISO 9001:2015 standard and 95% of total production is exported to EU countries.</span></p> <p align="justify"><span lang="en-US">Our company possess certificates for installation and supervision of central heating, air-conditioning, ventilation and hydro installations, therefore besides sales and installation, we provide our customers with technical assistance and consulting as well.</span></p> <p align="justify"><span lang="en-US">Total number of employees is around 80 people, which of around 15 are highly-educated employees.<br /></span></p>
Here you can find our product selection. For all additional information we are always available. You can take a look at our products on our sales location, at 23. Aprila street in Trn as well as at HomeArt display saloon.
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